Thursday, April 14, 2011

Pants on the ground!

And on fire!

Just heard Gene Sperling on Fox say that the liar-in-cheese Obama offered a very "comprehensive" budget plan yesterday. Hey dickhead, do you read the news? Real ANALYSIS proves that this thing is full of holes, misnomers, platitudes and hyperbole. Yes little Mary, those evil Republicans want to kill you grandmother. This plan has more holes in it than Obama's past does.

I will repeat for the hard of hearing and you people with diminished short-term memory function: this country is broke. And by broke I mean we couldn't rent for three minutes the foreskin of a Thai tranny hooker for 25 cents an hour even if she were priced for half-off retail at the two-thirds off/two-for-one sale at your discount low-priced dollar tranny hooker store.

On a partially unrelated note I wonder what TSA does with someone like this? Six year old girls are fine to grope though.

This is our government AND this is our government on drugs. Prepare for the end, it is near.

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