Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Bang bang ur ded

Y'all know I like guns, right?  Big guns, little guns, long guns, short guns, guns you can get your hands around, guns that take two hands or more.

But this gun, this fucking slut genius dirty whore of a gun, is simply the gun of all guns. A gun so big, powerful and ludicrous that it makes Saddam Hussein's mountain-side, Nazi-age, mortar-dildo from 1988 look like a limpdick pea-shooter firing overcooked acini de pepe pasta in the final scene of Sergio Leone's For A Few Dollars More versus Colonel Mortimer's shoulder-fired, single-action, 10" Colt .45 "Buntline Special" pistol with detachable stock. . .wa-waaaa-ah-waaaah!

In other words, it really wouldn't pay to be the first guy that took a hit from this gun. Or the guy behind the inches of armor it just penetrated after your head was vaporized. Or the guy behind him. Or the guy 7-straightline kilometers away who just ate shit on a molecular level as he was fingering his own butthole wondering if his personal itching was caused by poor field hygiene or a bad case of pinworms.

In any case, the recipient of this weapon will have some serious regrets and the most likely recipient is liable to to think to himself in the split-second before death: Wǒ kào or I hope my comorants are ok.

God Bless America, because no matter how the politicos want to portray it, American ingenutiy and smarts are constantly moving forward, whether those assholes like it or not.

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