Friday, April 15, 2011

Bottom of the barrel culture

Southern Culture 101:

Even though the old Popsicle is intent on raising me from bed at these crazy morning hours for illegitimate reasons, I still try to take care of the old codger because, well, because he's my dad after all and I love him.

This morning I made him breakfast at 4 a.m., but pickins were slim in the fridge, so I made do with what I had and concocted a favorite Southern classic for pop: fried bologna. And with that, a cake of last night's mashed potatoes and some multi-grain toast and black cherry jelly (Polaner All-Fruit actually, and some stuffy old Yankee broad just fainted). AND. . .on a paper plate no less with the good silver.

Must be time to go the the grocery store. Fairy, where are you little helper??

1 comment:

Fairy said...

AWW, sorry was busy spreading fairy dust around, but I did manage to make it in Sunday :) Suprise baby!