Thursday, March 31, 2011

Oh Noes!!


Dick Cheney! Halliburton!! War criminal! George Bush! Baby killer! Mission accomplished! No WMD's! War criminal!! Hitler!! Monkey! Dunce! No blood for oil! Colin Powell! Uncle Tom! Bush lied people died!!!

Hey you Code Pink asshole, you do realize that Barack "My name isn't Barry" Obama has started a third kinetic kung fu action manouvere WAR for no justifiable reason other than to ensure an uninterrupted oil supply for Europe while allowing the rebels of Libya, which contain elements of Al Qaeda, to sell the aforementioned oil on the open market to purchase weaponry, right?


Yes really.

Oh well, that's cool. Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize ya know. He can do that. Now, if you'll excuse me. . .

Bush lied, people died!! Baby killer!! Dick Cheney.........

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