Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Only in Texas

When I come across stories like this I always hold out hope for a smoking hot six foot blonde with blue eyes and a giant set of, uh, brains.....brains....brainz.  But then an acute sense of irony sets in and I realize that my fantasy is nearly impossible simply because more than half of America is plain fucking stupid and 95% of them are gibbons walking backwards ugly.

Anyway, they don't call it "Nuts" County, Texas for nothing.

Sigh.  Oh well.  There's always this convict chick for a palate cleanser.


Brian C said...

That second picture was cruel. I was expecting, uh, well, anything but that.

Gilmour Concepcion said...

Just put some salve on it, you'll be fine.

Life ain't always crackerjacks and handjobs, Ponyboy.