Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Hey Mohammed

Fuck you.


Greasywrench AKA rich b said...

As a fellow Infidel I would have to agree. Let's have a big ol' Bronx Cheer for the child molesting douche of the middle east.

Gilmour Concepcion said...


I am so sick and tired of having to tiptoe around the tulips for these sonsabitches (including Liberal ninnies too). And if that makes me a bigoted person, then so be it. I'll just add that to the list of bad things I am simply because I am a gun-loving, male, white, Southern, Christian (on a good day) American.

I am a racist. I am a bigot. Fucking sue me. When the world goes to hell in a hand-basket, we'll be the ones left who have the wherewithal and skills to survive when civil society break down and there are no more iPhones, Twitter, Farmville, electricity or even money.

I'll grow my garden, hunker down and provide for my own. You want some of it, come and get it bastards. I've got plenty of ammo and I'm a damn good shot.