Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Down twinkles

This whole occupy bullshit is getting to me. First, the direct comparisons of the Tea Party movement to this idiocy is utterly absurd and patently false. No rapes, sexual assaults, vandalism or unwanted foot sniffing at any Tea Party gatherings that I or any other rational human being is aware of. Secondly, a coherent list of reasonable demands has yet to materialize from this festering brain trust of neo-liberalism. For God's sake, they can't even agree upon appropriate drumming protocol! Thirdly, this group of supposedly enlightened individuals who want everyone to feel included have decided that is it necessary to label and divide groups within the encampments for one reason or another. Hey, what about middle-aged, lisping, college professors of Proto-Grecian Philosophy who enjoy rubbing one out while dressed in hard rubber and viewing nature films on primate homosexuality? He's a people too ya know!

Fuck these morons.

I have a new hand sign for them. When I am asked, "Hey Gilmour, what do you think about these wonderful protests against.....blah, blah, blah. . ."

I reply by pursing my lips and sticking my tongue out a little and expelling air through that apparatus, which makes a wholly inappropriate but wonderfully low, slow, and wet farting noise while I stroke my invisible schlong in the universal sign of not giving a fuck about any of this silly bullshit.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Anonymous said...

please provide visual aid for your "go to" response

Anonymous said...

the whistling hog call (a la longo) would also be an appropriate response!