Friday, May 13, 2011

Improvisational foodery

Being that I do all of the cooking, sometimes this man can only dream of some simplified goodness that would just fall out of the sky onto my plate so I don't have to worry over such trivial things like brunoise, Paysanne or tourné knife skills or thickening some long cooked sauce with a slurry, or washing a sink full of dishes for that matter.

The thing is, I do not dislike cooking and on the contrary I enjoy it tremendously, just some days, some days it sucks balls to cook and I'd like to bash over the head with a wolly mammoth legbone the hairy, prehistoric motherfucker who got the bright idea to slap his brontosaurus burger in the fire. It was all your fault, man-beast. How nice it would be to just lurch out of the bushes onto an unsuspecting prehistoric saber-tooth squirrel and just bite his little fucking head off. No fuss, no muss, no disinfecting the counter. None of that shit.

Most of the time I just want to fling a hot dog in the microwave or eat tuna out of the can with crackers and hot sauce, wash all of that down with a few chokes from the jug of milk and then dive under the covers for some easy sleep with my cats comfortably ensconced about me.

So when I hit the jackpot of easy food after a weekend of hard labour I am one happy mongrel. Behold the easiest soup you'll ever make. That is, after you spend an entire weekend afternoon cooking all of it before hand.

This soup contains 5 main ingredients: smoked pork ribs, jalapeño sausage, Great Northern beans, braised Swiss Chard, and rice. All of these were cooked individually, but when heated separately and combined together in a bowl with sufficient amounts of pot liquor from the beans and chard you have something that could be considered espectacular!!!! The only thing that might improve this simple goodness would be a crunchy squirrel skull to nibble on too.

- Posted using two sticks, a booger and a series of Fetzer valves

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